Lawyers and law firms need transparency to communicate and move past traditional and generational barriers.

We believe in brave and courageous conversations to get to the root of the problem.

For too long, law firms have thrown money and lip service towards
problems. Law firms have hired “experts” who say many words. But after a couple of weeks, having paid high fees to ex-lawyers or non-lawyers, the firm finds itself back at square one.

After all is said and done, the lawyer and law firm are back at square one.

We believe in holding lawyers, departments, department heads,
management committees, and executive committees accountable for change. It is not the job of an administrative person to make notable changes to the culture.

The administrative department cannot impact the bottom line. Change must occur from the top down.

Book by Pamela

Thriving in a Multi-Generational Law Firm: How to Increase Communication and Collaboration Among Lawyers

Thriving in a Multi-Generational Law Firm: How to Increase Communication and Collaboration Among Lawyers focuses on the question of whether four generations can co-exist and thrive in a law firm. Due to differences in communication styles, backgrounds, values, use of technology and work ethics, law firms and lawyers are encountering challenges to stability, profitability, and work satisfaction.

Law firms are hemorrhaging profits out of the back door.

These outdated traditions have led to:

– Low productivity

– Generational backlash, especially with Millennials.

– High Turnover

– Ignoring the mental and physical health of lawyers

– Inequity between majority and non-majority lawyers, including people of color.


More and more law firms are getting serious about correcting and transforming their firm. They are tired of losing millions of dollars each year in productivity and turnover.

It is time for your law firm to:

  • Breakthrough barriers for high productivity.

  • Transform communications and master communication between generations on all levels.

  • Substantially lower turnover by targeting Millennials.

  • Dramatically improve the health of all lawyers firmwide.

  • Fast track to equity between majority and non-majority lawyers.

If you are a firm that is willing to move past:

Cultural and traditional roadblocks that keep your law firm profits and productivity spiraling down,


You are ready to have an honest conversation with a commitment to get to the root of the problem;

you can schedule a Fact Check Appointment for an evaluation.

© 2023 Pamela DeNeuve